Self Belief Leads to Success
Despite what you may be told by others, Self Belief Leads to Success when you set your mind to it as long as you maintain faith in yourself.
Believing in yourself and your ability to achieve whatever you set out to do is a powerful step in the process of succeeding in life.
When you are lightning focused on a goal and your unfaltering belief that you can reach it is total, that goal will be yours no matter what.
However, life doesn't always hand you whatever you want on a silver platter. More often than not, you will fail in what you are doing and knowing what to do is crucial to turning things around and succeeding.
Managing Failure
If you have ever attemptedd to achieve anything of value but failed every time you tried, it was likely not because anything external caused it, although much of the time it actually seems that way.
What derails most people in their attempt to do something positive for themselves or for others is lacking a strong belief in their own abilities to get that thing done.
That's not to say that outside forces never get in the way, as they certainly can. However, when you truly believe you can do a thing, then chances are good that you will do it.
You really have to belief in yourself if your intent is to achieve anything of any worth and that belief has to be strong. The stronger the belief the more likely you will be to succeed.
Absolute belief will create absolute success.
Achieving Manned Flight
As an example, let's look at the amazing achievements of the Wright brothers when they set out to make the world's first powered flight.
If they had not believed that they would do it 100%, they would not lifted that airplane off the ground. Everyone was against them in those times, so they did not have the luxury of the backing of their peers.
They were labelled as heretics for daring to believe that man could fly. However, they remained resolute and the results is that we now enjoy the ability to travel to any place on the planet and get there in hours instead of weeks.
Inventing Wirelss Radio
When Marconi announced to his friends that he believed he could send people's voices and music through the ether without the aid of wires, they thought he was mad and had him committed to a mental institution.
Yet he believed that it was possible and then he went on to prove his theories in the invention of the first wireless radio.
Note: It has come to light that Marconi actually got his ideas for wireless communication from existing experiments undertaken by Nikola Tesla.
The Electric Light Bulb
Or take a moment to wonder how you are reading this right now. Most likely you are reading this indoors under the artificial light of a simple light bulb.
Thomas Edison invented the first reliable working incandescent light bulb but it was no easy feat. In fact, during his testing, he made around 10,000 attempts to make it work and failed every single time except the last one.
After each failure, he started on the next attempt until he succeeded. Most people would have given up long before that. But Edison believed that he could make his invention work and now we enjoy the comfort and convenience of bright light any time of the day or night.
A strong self belief is behind great inventions and innovations that become reality. Success is mainly down to your own self belief in knowing you can do something.
It's rather sad that many people lead mediocre lives and never amount to anything of merit, simply because they don't believe they can. Alternatively, the people that achieve greatness are the ones that believe they can!
No matter what you set out to achieve, beliving in yourself and your ability to succeed is a major ingredient in recipe for success.
Self belief and an attitude of "I can" combine to form a powerful force that is unstoppable, no matter what anyone says to the contrary.
Posted on March 24, 2025 | 0 Comments
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