The Honest Way to Make Money Online

You have found your way to an information website aimed at helping people to start making money in their online business the right way - an honest way!

I provide informational articles and recommend legitimate products to help you make your online business a success and make a viable income from your efforts.

We have here a huge site with several hundred articles published both on the articles pages and the blog. Add to that a members forum where many experienced people have got together to share their knowledge and you have a comprehensive website to help you to make money from the Internet.

There's An Honest Way?

honest work to make moneyThe honest way to make money online. At first glance, that statement seems almost contradictory thanks to some less than forthcoming online businesses which use hype and misleading claims in order to sign-up the inexperienced newcomers and squeeze their hard earned cash out of them.

But it's not all doom and gloom. There are many different, legitimate ways to generate an income from the Internet, honestly. And this is where you'll find out about them!

Here at this site, I've done my research and can honestly bring you the best that there is in terms of information, strategies and products from around the world. I've created this website in order to save you countless hours scrabbling around the search engines and specialised members forums in your endeavour to find the scraps of information to help you to build your own online business.

I can help you to avoid the many confusing and sometimes misleading links that can take you to potential rip offs and scams that litter the online business world which may ultimately discourage many a would-be online entrepeneur from achieving their goal. Below are some of the ways I can help you to make the money you want to generate from the world wide web.

The Honest Way Blog

This site has its very own blog hosted with the main website. This is the place to keep up with the latest developments here at and in the world of Internet marketing.

BLOGFLASH! - Latest Blog Post:
Why You Should Write Your Own Content

Despite the sheer convenience and ease of using AI to write articles, there are some good reasons why you should write your own content for your websites and...
...Read the Full Post

There are in-depth reviews of certain packages and products and also some additional information on some of the affiliate sites that we promote. So click the link above or use the navigation bar above and check out my blog.


On my articles page you'll find several individual articles outlining different strategies you can use in starting up your own online business and some of the pitfalls to avoid in order to make your venture a success.

Note: I want to point out that many of those old articles are from back in 2007/2008 when I first put this site up. Things have changed an awful lot since then. But surprisingly the basic methods of website building and monetization are pretty much the same as they've always been.

Fast forward to 2025 and I am in the process of creating new, up to date articles that outline how you can earn an income from affiliate marketing using your own websites and web 2.0 properties using methods that most people are NOT doing.

It involves some work, I have to admit it. Despite all the magical promises of instant wealth and push-button income that you'll doubtless come across in your travels online, You don't get something for nothing. You never have and you probably never will!

In order to truly generate an income based on getting visitors to a website and clicking on affiliate ads to earn commission on sales, you need to put in some work in several areas, such as:

You can cut corners for sure. But by doing that you'll also be putting your site at risk of being short-lived in the search engines. And that's the very place where you really want it to be as long-lived as possible.

Keep an eye out for my new collection of money making articles as I produce them here. Oh, and get ready for a major site design overhaul. It's been needed for a few years now to bring it up to date!

Article Directory List

We also have a great article directory list page that list around 300 working article directories that you can submit your articles to for some useful backlinks to your sites.


Listed on my resources page are some highly recommended products and one or two ebooks gathered together from some of the best sources of internet marketing around the world that will help you to earn an honest living online. I have removed links from some of the ones that I have since come to realize are not worth spending your money on and say so in the summary of each.

Of course, in the end, you decide for yourself!