Traffic, Traffic, Wherefore Art Thou Traffic?

Internet marketing and money making traffic generation has taken another beating by Splork as he lifts the lid on traffic generation for making money telling it like it is right here: Sewage Islands in the Stream.

I was going to write all this as a comment in his blog, but hey, content is expensive when I write it so I'd rather have it here in my own blog. Splork gets a useful link instead.

If you've just headed off over there and been courteous enough to actually come back, then here's my take on this way of thinking.

Throw Enough of it At the Wall

With regards to generating traffic and monetizing it, the old adage of "throw enough shit at the walls and some of it will stick" actually works. But Google is just one wall. A big one I will grant you, but there are other walls sitting there right in front of you all but its amazing how many people are ignoring them, while concentrating totally on Google.

Yahoo and Bing are fun to mess with cause they count all those itty bitty nofollow links that Google ignores (most of the time but not all of the time). Bing traffic converts way better than anything else, cause most people that use it do so cause it came pre-loaded with their dinky new netbooks thanks to rich uncle Bill cornering the pre-loaded OS market (okay, mac users... oh who cares, there's only 2 of them anyway). This is pretty common knowledge anyway.

But Splork went too far. Look what he's done now, telling his 8 readers about Hubsquid traffic! Dammit now they'll all go out (at least 5% of them will, anyway) and spam the hubsquids to kingdom come and we'll all suffer. Damn him for letting the cat out of the bag! Can no one keep their big mouth shut on this Interpleb? Is nothing sacred?


For God's sake don't let on about how profitable spending 10 hours a day in the Warriors forum really is or they'll all veer off in that direction like a shoal of demented minnows. And then they'll ALL start spending their time making WSOs and Google will hate Slpork for taking all the marketers out of its index and leaving nothing for its algo-tinkerers to do. But the aftershocks will be worse...

There will be wholesale job losses and a flood of brainy people joining the ranks of the unemployed... then they'll all start reading Warriors and learn how to get rich quick making... WSOs... the self fulfilling prophecy cometh and the world will end in 2012 cause Google will implode and the entire surface of the earth will be dragged into the vortex it created...

Man, drinking too much coffee and writing in blogs is a dangerous mix...

The long and the short of it that you can monetize any traffic, although you'll have a tougher time squeezing any out of social traffic from the likes of twitter, facebook etc. but you can make a little and if you can generate enough traffic from those sources, a little can turn into a little more.

Organic Traffic

The main source of monetizable traffic remains the targeted organic search traffic that comes mainly from Google but also from Yahoo and Bing as well as the lesser search engines. Social Hubbers and Squidoo folk may follow links in your mini site pages and find your main site and a few of them might even be enticed to click a link or buy an affiliate product, as long as its a real one (I mean something that Amazon et al would sell and not some junk ebook from clickbank).

But that's as much as I'm saying here, cause I'm not giving away everything I know with regards to making money online. At least not the stuff that works right now.

Once it gets to be common knowledge, its effectiveness will have died and then I'll probably write about it, just like the other clever chappies who drip feed their loyal followers some of what they know every once in a while. It keeps people interested and gives them something to try, then come back for more.

There's more to all this than meets the eye, that's for sure.


Posted on November 17, 2010 | 2 Comments

Previous Post: Backlinks and the Article Junk Pile

2 thoughts on "Traffic, Traffic, Wherefore Art Thou Traffic?"

Terry says:
December 13, 2010

Oh yeah, the SE's are still alive and kickin' and they are still the best way to get paid from traffic. Facebook might get as many visitors, but they're not buying visitors, they're looking to share photos and gossip. You might get a low percentage of them to your site but the time and effort you'd have to put in to do it just ain't worth it IMO.

I know its harder to rank with Google these days, but it can be done and once you're there, staying there is not so hard as long as you keep linking smart and make your links strong. I keep my sites high not with thousands of crappy links, but with a handful of strong, in-post ones that I developed manually and keep strengthening all the time. Those kind of links are the ones that have staying power and keep the coin rolling in.

Robert C says:
December 13, 2010

"The main source of monetizable traffic remains the targeted organic search traffic that comes mainly from Google but also from Yahoo and Bing as well as the lesser search engines."

Found your blog from a comment you made on "Splorkey's" Internet sewer - lol.

I am glad to hear you say that monetizable traffic comes mainly from the big three - as well as lesser search engines... I was getting a bit worried that Mobile and social media were going to put a dent in their usage and I would have to flip the script and become more SM savvy.

Hearing that Facebook gets as many visitors as Google had me a bit concerned. I am not much of a Facebook fan, (I might develop some fan pages to try and make some coin however) and for some reason, even though I do have an account, I intensely dislike Twitter....

I guess the point here - be it - a very simplistic and obvious one is that it's good to know pursing SE traffic, which is what I have always done - is not dead yet... Just sayin...

Robert C...